Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Schindler's List

For Stan and Kenny, You will say this movie sucks.

I just bought Schindler's List and I advise everyone that you should just see it once. Not twice, just once. Horrifying and scarcely unfunny. Never once you will see the happy moment of the common Polish Jew. They hid their jewelry in their bread, they hid under floorboard and pianos and for the worse, doctors kill their patients so that the German soldiers won't kill the ill.

It is saddening to watch this. I have an ache reviewing this. Thanks a lot.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Jumpin' Jambalaya Batman, TAR 8

Three days have past during this holiday semester and I was deprived of technology for the first two days. At least today, I get to enjoy the smell of Crawfish Jambalaya and registration of a site. The Sims 2 either rock or you have to be freaking retard to like it because of it's bare necessity. Now, I have done my research on the Transition Metals Used In Industries so I am now going to enjoy a good fragging session on Halo, bludgeoning of the head in Civ 3, putting into a hole in Sim Golf and playing dress-up like a demented stripper in The Sims 2.

Last Friday, I had to go on the stage to give some poetry about this country. I am so sorry that I suck at it. I had to scream at the top of my voice and do the dang thing. Now I know how Jon Heder feels when he was doing that dance in Napoleon Dynamite.

Discoveries of the Amazing Race 8 that it is a family edition might scare everyone. Groups of 4 people will run their lives for 1 million dollars. A little girl aged 9 is supposedly the train of competitive spirit. If I asked her, "Girl, what do you wanna do with your money?" and she says she wanna buy a pony, I will fucking slap her face. Some people are doing it to reconnect their family. That's good and great but what I hate is feint cheers and camera mugging moments. Now, if we only need an Asian team. Purely Asian going like "Me love you long time" kind of Asian. Two Asian who can't speak proper and gramatically correct English or even with an Indian accent. Guess that will never happen.

Now, if you will excuse me, please sign a petition to help me and other Nighcrawler fans to keep our comicbook going on and on. Sign the

We want this comic book to go on forever and we need your help. I am not asking you to draft just save this comic. Please.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Watch or DIE!


This trailer is nail-biting material. It is just as bad when I watched the trailer for Ray, TAR 7, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

PARTY! and loads of other things

I just had to said that when my parents left for Perth. 14 degree Celsius with partially cloudy skies. A lot of shit has happened since I last posted. A lot of shows I have watched since the last time I posted. Problem is that I was banned so I would like to read a list of people that I will like to blame on.

1. Ms. V.G. - You are a bitch. A procrascinating bitch who waste time giving useless projects and test because you have applied Kindergarten teaching methods. So, I would like to say you are full of shit and fuck you.

Anyway, back on for the week and a lot of things have happened. The haze just swept the country, allowing 876 schools and me to have a 4 day holiday. I have watched Little Britain and still, I wonder what will Lady Di would do if she saw it. Luther Vandross died. Sad. Amazing Race 7 winners are Uchenna and Joyce. Amazing Race 8 is about to start. Survivor: Guatemala is about to start too and Survivor: Palau is won by an NY fireman (God Bless You, Sir). The Apprentice will feature George Lucas and theiving, lying bitch Martha Stewart.

What is with London being bombed after just one day being announced to host the Olympics 2012? I don't understand people these days. Let's blow up people because they have different religion/race/sex/sexuality. Doesn't God/Allah/Jewish God wants same equality among the race, religion and sexes? If they are gays, I'm fine with them but in some other fucked up country, the religious groups would first stone them. If you are a woman and you like woman, me too. If you are a man fag, anybody willing to suck my dick is a good person. It doesn't I would let you but I like the thought behind it. It is just a hypothetical situation.

Gott, so much to say but so little time. Time to post off I would like to leave with five quotes.
1. Mein Gott - Nightcrawler
2. It's sending messages that Mexicans are stupid. No, it's sending messages to eat tacos. - Carlos Mencia
3. I'll take the chicken maricon and the enchilladas cabron.
4. BAMF! - Nightcrawler
5. I already have AT&T. - me saying that to Streamyx dealer to whom I lied to

Good Day!